Four Free Inspirational Gifts from Real Conscious Living

Happy Holidays from Real Conscious Living! Enjoy these four spiritual gifts this holiday season. At this time of year especially, we remember our spiritual reasons for the season. These four video gifts are yours free to bring inspiration to your holidays and ideas for starting the new year spiritually fit!

Introduction to Spiritual Fitness as a Way of Life

Human beings have a dual and connected nature, human selves and spiritual selves. You are in a human body in the world where it is quite easy to get caught up in the drama of being human and forget your true spiritual nature (as Divine love in expression.) It’s important to restore your connection with spirit often or you may feel a bit anxious or lost. Another reason to address our spirituality, is that it is the lifeforce of our existence.  Many people seek spiritual purpose in their lives, feeling drawn to know and live the purpose of their spirit here on earth. They join or are born into spiritual communities or religious traditions that help them develop rituals and practices that bring them closer to the experience of their own divinity. But even without a physical community we are all connected through the spirit. It’s like the spiritual version of the Internet which is sometimes called the inner-net.  The depth of our spirituality can be experienced by :

  • Self-mastery and acceptance of the human self and
  • Practices and rituals that bring our awareness of the spirit to a greater level of experience and understanding
  • Experiences with spiritual awareness )people’s stories of spiritual connection) and in nature

Free video Gift to learn more:

How Does Spiritual Fitness Work?

Various types of ritual, prayer, spiritual or religious practice, meditation, and breath regulation will help you to activate your spiritual energy and create blessings in your life. 

Breathing practices still the mind and allow for activation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Breathing is the integrating factor between the mind and body (as you relax the breath you relax the mind and body) and is of great assistance in many spiritual practices. Research shows that even five minutes a day of deep breathing can lower blood pressure.

To lower cortisol levels and stress to find a peaceful place within, meditation, prayer and what is currently used in education, business, health care and therapy: Mindfulness. It now has research to support that it can be helpful for pain management.  Mindfulness helps you move from thinking to doing to being. 

Free Video Gift includes Breathing Exercises and a Mindfulness Exercise.

Spiritual Fitness Practices for Inner Peace

So many people have asked me how to stop the endless chatter in their minds. You don’t end it, because it is a function of being human. There are methods for changing the brain so that you can have a life that is driven by the spirit more so than the chatter. These methods activate the reward circuits of the brain, inhibit the stress response, and increase health both physically and mentally.   One way is to recall a time when you were at peace, perhaps a religious or spiritual experience, a specific time, and recall what you saw at that time, what you heard, and felt. Fully engage with the memory for a minute and then allow a word to come to you that reminds you of this time.  The next time your mind is overactive and is not allowing the spirit to drive, recall this memory and say the word to yourself a few times.  If time permits you can go back to the memory and sit with it for a while. The more often you do this exercise the stronger the association it will have with peace.

Free Video Gift for more information:

Finding Spiritual Fitness in Nature

Many people say that they had an experience in nature that made them aware that they were a part of something bigger and felt at one with everything.  For those, it was a life-changing experience.  Others can connect spiritually to nature by standing on the earth barefoot and feeling the energy from your feet connecting to the earth like the roots of a tree.  Some of the earliest spiritual practices on earth came from Indigenous people who used rituals to connect to the universal spirit through the earth, wind, water and sun.

Recently, some structured activities have been designed to help people connect through nature.  Gazing silently at the night sky gives a sense of the larger universe and gets you outside of yourself.  Mother Teresa said that  “God, … cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature — trees, flowers, grass — grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence …”

Free Video Gift offers information on how to connect to your spirit through nature!

Everyone at Transformedia wishes you a most spiritual and happy holiday. Join us in the new year for much more on Real Conscious Spiritual Living!

Dr. Nancy

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You Are Perfect ™ Real Conscious Living

Did you ever think that you were perfect? At the spiritual level you already are perfect. It’s just your human side that sees your perceived flaws that painfully strive for perfection. What if it was just a matter of a shift that you could make right now that would free you from striving and put you right in the middle of your perfection?

I understand that right now is an important time to make this shift as you are busy and don’t have time to do, read, practice, or take on another thing in your life. Have been searching for that just right thing to live a more purposeful and spiritual life but didn’t have the time to practice what you know or try something new? If you answered “Yes,” to this question then living in your perfection will be just right for you! Congratulations!!! You are ready to allow your life to be easily purposeful and meaningful.

In the next weeks, I will be bringing my lifetime of experience as a psychologist and spiritual teacher to you to help you easily find yourself living in an open space to begin each day purposefully and joyfully with MINIMUM EFFORT and stress. As an example of the ease of the many processes and that can bring you to awareness of the perfect state, here’s one that we will use as we build on the process of ease. To begin, try this one short exercise.

Think of a time, one time, when you felt effortlessly happy, a time when perhaps you saw something that made you smile, did something for someone else or you were celebrating something important. It might be a time when someone said something to you that made you feel happy or a time when you were in nature or in meditative solitude. I wonder if you can remember that time of happiness now. What do you remember about it? Where in your body do you feel the happiness? What do you see when you think of it? Maybe you can even remember what you heard at that time, especially what you were telling yourself about the memory. Perhaps it would be easy for you to allow a word that connects with this memory to come to you now. SNAP! There it is, saved safely for you to come back to whenever you want to live in a happy state of mind. Simply repeat the word and bring yourself back into the memory. You can use my words above to help you to recall the memory fully and immerse yourself in happiness, mind body and spirit!

This is just an example of what is to come as you consciously discover that you are perfect. We will peel away anything in your human self that gets in the way, while acknowledging and embracing what brings you to your purposeful, spiritual happy life.

I think you’re going to love this! Please join me on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram to get the latest updates and invite your friends to personally connect with their perfection through our upcoming newsletters here.

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Finding Stillness to Listen to Your Spirit and Purpose


Can you hear your still small voice within that always knows what is best for you an guides you through a multitude of storms? The mind is so busy with mental chatter that it is sometimes hard to hear your inner voice or feel the gut-feelings that tell you when you are about to make a mistake, when something is good for you, or even when someone is thinking of you.

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Spiritual Fitness for You

Comcast Total Media

Spring is the time when so many of us take the time to consider ways to get fit. We pull out the old methods that worked in the past and try them out again. Often relying on past successes is a good way to get things going in life. If you have a formula for success, you are likely to apply it again with great results.

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As I watched the opening of the Olympics recently, I could feel the high-level, vibrating message of inclusivity, unity, and harmony among everyone in the world exploding at the event. It was touching, funny, important, elevated, clever and most of all global. Every nation, each person, all colors, and races were acknowledged. The Olympics has the power to do that, and so do we. 

When I published my blog on the environment in Real Conscious Living in 2019, I pondered what would bring us all together to “save the world.” What I knew for sure is that it would take a village. Then yesterday, I saw a photo from Australia showing the heavy rains and flooding that took away many people’s homes and livelihoods. The image showed thousands of spiders building webs together so that they could stay above water and survive as a group. There were so many spiders, all helping one another, building community webs and threads of connection for a joint purpose. They had abandoned their own webs in crisis so that the group could survive, and they would all benefit from their unity. The impact was so great that the silky webs appeared to be like layers of pristine snow hovering just about the flooded ground.

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Dr. Nancy Mramor

Research shows that giving can create amazing effects on the body and mind.  And now we know of a way to boost those benefits in 2022! When you give a gift, you typically get a verbal, electronic, or written acknowledgment and thanks.  You often feel elated briefly, knowing that your gift or donation made a difference. But what if giving or doing a good deed anonymously can improve your mood, have long-term effects on life satisfaction, and stimulate brain activity associated with pleasure and reward? When giving our brain releases chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, giving you a sense of reward. A reduction in stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure and better sleep are also associated with the part of the brain that is stimulated with giving. And when these chemicals are released, depression is lessened.

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What Will Save The World?

Recently, I was noticing that a Women’s March, that had been so united, was now showing signs of fracture, due to some personal agendas, creating racial divides, and the loss of some important sponsorship. I began to wonder about the reasons why even when we have a mutual cause, personal agendas get in the way.

I began to think of the issues with the NFL. I am an independent person, and had not taken a side, seeing the philosophies of both sides and the merit of both. Was it right to use the venue of the NFL to make a statement about race? I knew that the NFL would go on, but what would happen to the Women’s March? Without the sponsorship, they would surely experience growing pains. I wondered if they would recover.

I was considering lately that perhaps the only thing that can potentially unite the world, beyond personal interest, money, or pride is the issue of our natural resources. Are the air, the earth and the water the only things we all have in common, without argument? Do they provide the things that every individual needs, regardless of race, interest in professional sports or financial gain and do they override all other special interests? If they do, we haven’t found this universal truth to be self evident.

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Create a life of permanent purpose

When you are setting your priorities for the day, you typically list the most important things first. But what if the most important thing was the smallest action that you take today? One thing sets your intention for the day and creates a ripple effect that impacts you and the world indefinitely?  If you have ever dropped a stone in a pool of water, you have seen the ripple effect, the circles of water that surround the place where the stone landed. They go on and on just from one action.

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Good health starts on the inside and moves outward

Daily News Lifestyles Editor, By Carol Waterloo Frazier

Many years ago, Dr. Nancy Mramor was diagnosed with leukemia. She was told the prognosis did not look good.

So she put to the test what she had been teaching for several years – mind-body medicine.

Mramor is author of “Spiritual Fitness,” as well as a licensed psychologist and educator. In the book, she presents in a concise yet easy-to-understand way the strategies for becoming spiritually fit.

“I was a special education teacher and decided to take a class in relaxation and stress management,” she related. “I found that one exercise that sent healing and prayer to another person really opened me up spiritually.”

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Give Your Spiritual Self a Workout

By Jill Cueni-Cohen

It sometimes seems like we’re just running the human race, going from place to place in order to fulfill our daily requirements of taking care of our families and making a living.  When we’re sick, we take medicine and soldier on; and when we’re tired, we don’t sleep; there’s just too much to get done.

But are we really living?  Are we activating that amazing spirit that dwells within the center of each one of us and makes us so uniquely human?  If we’re constantly putting others’ needs before our own, then maybe it’s time to get fit, spiritually speaking.

According to Pittsburgh psychologist Nancy Mramor, Ph.D., putting your spirituality first in your life and letting it drive you, mind, body and spirit, will help you reconnect to that part of you where your abundant health comes from.  “You might, for example, get a great deal of health benefits from running, but if you also added quiet prayer, meditation, or yoga, you might experience something quite different,” says Dr. Mramor.

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