What is the part of you that lives forever? It’s a fascinating idea, to stand in knowing that you are are the custodian of a spiritual energy that remains long after the best day is done, the sweltering summer is over, and the all-season tires have worn out on your very first car.

Truly, you are not limited to the physical body. And it isn’t about religious beliefs or concepts, but rather an understanding that you are more than your body, that you have a spirit that will exist independent of daily life’s aches and pains, losses, triumphs, birthdays, and even sumptuous chocolate chip cookies.

Let’s explore the idea that there is a universal spirit that is larger than yourself, yet also exists within yourself. Some call your awareness of this spirit your intuition. When you understand and trust the spiritual part of yourself, it intuitively guides your choices on every step of your path. This understanding had been a driving force for me, but it truly navigated my decisions when I was diagnosed with Leukemia with only a 10-15% chance of survival!

I had been teaching Spiritual Fitness concepts at five Pennsylvania universities, and now I was getting the message to bump up my willingness to walk my talk in a much bigger way in order to save my life. Although a strong spiritual core had always been in the center of my heart, it wasn’t always in the center of my actions and choices. But it surely became the driver as I did a u-turn straight toward carefully navigating the trip to health. I was traveling on a journey toward survival, one I had not consciously chosen but one that required a strong inner GPS. I had to buckle my spiritual seat belt, fueled with the faith in my higher intuitive self which led me through the maze of the healing process.

The process began with a combination of extreme medical treatments, energy work, acupuncture, visualization, and healing prayers. But mostly, it was knowing that I had a purpose in life and that it was not over. I refused to go anywhere until it was complete, and that would be a long time away.

I would never say this was easy; after miraculously getting into remission in 23 days, I was advised to continue the two to four year treatment protocol. Reliance on my intuitive spiritual guidance was needed every step of the way, having to catch errors made by my skilled but overworked medical team. It culminated when I caught an error that would have cost me my life. Meanwhile, all of my body’s systems were shutting down due to the intensity of the medical treatments. I was quickly inspired to choose a new top-notch oncology team and the rest is history. By being receptive to my spiritual guidance, a treatment that could have taken four years took only five months, with some minimal treatment for another year and a half. And no matter what your current challenge, you can do the same thing; trusting your inner guidance can override any seemingly impossible challenge in your life.

How do you get to this place of receiving and trusting your own spiritual guidance? By using a Spiritual Fitness tool called the priority wheel. Imagine a simple wheel with a center hub and spokes, then think of a list of your life priorities such as family, spirituality, work, fitness, friends and hobbies. Rank them numerically and then place your number one priority solidly in the center hub of the wheel and place the other priorities on the spokes. Now imagine that the priority in the center of the wheel is driving and directing every other aspect on the outer spokes of your life as the wheel turns. What does that look like? How are you feeling about having that driver in the center of your life? What are you telling yourself about whether or not this is the best driver for you? Do you wonder if there are the limitations of having your specific driver? Or are you observing that with your driver, that it takes a lot of time and energy to pursue your dreams? You may be using large amounts of your own personal and physical resources rather than tapping into an endless source of inspiration and strength. Now imagine that your spiritual life is in the center hub. A wheel that turns with spirit in the center generates a life that radiates in ever-increasing spirals toward knowing and creating your life’s true purpose.

What does that look like for you? Look inside to your breath. Breathing, or respiration, includes inhalation, also called inspiration. When the spirit drives the rest of your life, you are living, as is said in Italian “con brio,” which means to live with zest, spirit, inspiration and breath. The breath is the evidence of your spirit, and so slowing the breath allows you to slow down and mindfully observe what is going on in your mind, body and emotions. Spiritual observation is not concerned with gathering, exploring, re-arranging or improving anything in your physical life. But it brings awareness of your true purpose. Driving with your spirit in the hub of the wheel of life allows receptivity to inner direction that empassions your heart and directs inspired action, releasing your power to experience a path that is truly spiritually fit.

For more on Spiritual Fitness go to:

Dr. Nancy Mramor Kajuth is a health and media psychologist in Pittsburgh

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