We are all in this together.
If you feel isolated or thrown off your normal routine, remember that most of us have had major life changes during the health challenge. Finding ways to navigate uncharted territory and sudden change takes a supportive team and we can all work together to find old and new ways to support one another. You deserve it and your sense of well-being is more important now than ever. In addition to the good advice of social distancing and hand washing, here are some for you to try to help you have the best experience possible while taking care of yourself and others.
As you have more time to live consciously, slowing down to become more mindful, many more ideas may come to mind. Someone may tell you about other wellness resources or you may receive more newsletters like this one in your mailboxes. We are all inventing the wheel and you can be a part of it! Send me other creative ideas of ways you have resourcefully managed the changes in your life during the global health crisis and we can keep the support going! So let’s start with 19 ways to be well and safe. Be sure to read till the end; the last part of the newsletter has suggestions to help you use all the ways to wellness!
1 BE KIND. Maybe one thing we can all expand is our conscious dispensing of kindness, as it is one of the few acts of charity left for us to exercise while we can’t volunteer, care for family or provide service through productive work. Remember those who are especially isolated.
2 MAKE JUST ONE PERSON HAPPY TODAY. I initiated the One Email Campaign last year encouraging people to send one positive email or post a day to someone to appreciate something about them or something they did. Invite them to do the same for someone else. Start the Butterfly Effect. If you want to jump start this one, just tell someone you love them.
3 USE APPS TO REBOOT when you need a lift or as a part of a daily health regimen. You can use inspiring music which is highly therapeutic, deep relaxation apps which are conducive to reducing the physical and mental stress of change or relaxation audio exercises from someone you know and trust.
4 SMILE. When you smile the brain reacts in a positive way that helps to make “happy” chemicals. And if others see you smile, even from a social distance, it can make them happier, too. Maybe you can activate this one by just thinking of someone whose smile you enjoy, and you may smile in response.
5 GET SOME PHYSICAL NOURISHMENT. Hug those who are healthy in your immediate home environment, share massages, foot rubs, take a hot bath, stretch, sit with pets, or massage your hands, wear fuzzy slippers, watch nature shows.
6 STAY CONNECTED ONLINE. Have a plan to connect with those you care about on a regular basis through Facetime, Skype or another live platform. You may even forgo the hairstyling and relax into being yourself.
7 READ. Anything inspiring works such as books in a pile just waiting for you, articles that call to you or recommendations from friends. You could even join an online book group.
8 KNOW WHEN TO STOP SOCIAL MEDIA. The Information Systems Journal researched hundreds of Facebook users in the European Union and found two good strategies for disengaging. The first was to simply go to another activity and the second was to switch to more other activities within social media sites or checking feeds on other topics.
9 EXPAND YOUR FRIENDSHIPS through random acts of kindness. A Journal of Personality study of people around the world found that both men and women preferred kindness as an important trait, increasing the likelihood that others would want to choose to spend time with you, personally or virtually.
10 STAY POSITIVE. The National Academy of Sciences found that optimistic people live 15% longer. It also improves immune function, which is so important right now. And it creates a positive expectation, enhancing feelings of hope.
11 IF YOU ARE SEEKING A PARTNER, CONTINUE. Person-to-person meetings have been suspended but know that in time you are likely to find someone. Research in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that by 2017 39% of couples met online, while 38% met through friends and others met socially.
12 LEARN. Learn something new, expand your knowledge of favorite topics, listen to podcasts on topics of interest to you. Nourish your mind. Stretch your brain.
13 MEDITATE. Feed your soul and deepen your connection to the Divine, however you desire based on your personal beliefs, and practices. Become quiet and focus on your breath until it naturally slows. Then see if you can slow and deepen it more.
14 REDUCE THE STRESS OF CHANGE. An exercise called Hookups is a mind-blowing way to interrupt a stress response to change or any other life stressor, especially with kids. See the list below for a link to a video explaining the technique.
15 CLEAN. Clean out drawers, closets, old attitudes and beliefs that no longer serve you. Even clean up the robo calls. Clean old or unhealthy food out of the pantry, people who are toxic, old habits and even your DVR.
16 EAT WELL. All of the reasons for not having time to cook in ways that nourish yourself may seem unimportant now. Try new things, experiment with ways to feel well.
17 GO OUTSIDE. The increase in Vitamin D will help you to avoid getting down in the dumps as times are changing, and connecting with nature has unlimited benefits.
18 JOURNAL. Especially if you are experiencing new moods and habits, write down how it is going during the day. Notice what made you feel or act that way. Brainstorm new ways to address the changing times.
19 CREATE A BEAUTIFUL WORK AND HOME ENVIRONMENT. If you are working from home, remember to make your space one where you want to spend time. Set up a desk near a window to let in light, move some beautiful or meaningful things into your work space, or just rearrange an existing space to make it more inviting. Make a beautiful place to watch movies or TV shows while you have time to indulge.
BONUS! WRITE YOUR OWN! What would work for you? What comes to your mind as you are reading, and your thoughts are moving to all of the many possibilities???
1 Be Kind. Become a volunteer crisis counselor online Go here.
For those in immediate you can text 741741 from your phone.
2 Make Just One Person Happy Today. Go here to learn more about One Email a Day to make someone’s day!
3 Use Apps to Reboot. I am giving my Meditation and Relaxation for Adults and Children audio link FREE during the Conavirus. Go here.
4 Smile. Famous Harvard study revealed that when you are happy, that people around you are happier too. Go here. These fact checked positive points about Conavirus cures may make you smile! Go here.
5 Give Yourself Some Physical Nourishment. Here’s a good link to an explanation of how to do a foot reflexology treatment to relieve a number of physical issues.
6 Read. Go to Good Reads for recommendations and check out Spiritual Fitness for a guide to a spiritually healthy life.
7 Know When to Stop Social Media. See Get Reel: Produce Your Own Life for a comprehensive, entertaining and fun guide to sorting out how the media can be good for you unless it’s too much!
8 Expand Your Friendships. You can nourish existing friendships through emails, texts and posts. Find old pictures of you and your friends and post them, use facetime for a closer connection. Send a small gift that can fit in a mailbox, or just pick up the phone. Many options are available on the Apple phones as well as Samsung. Go here.
10 Stay Positive. Whether you are a positive person or not, a book many people resonate with is Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman.
11 IF YOU ARE SEEKING A PARTNER, CONTINUE. Here’s a site that recommends some online apps for young people and some for seniors. Go here.
12 Learn. Many universities offer courses from soup to nuts. Or indulge your interests. It’s never too late to explore your creativity. Go here.
13 Meditate. Many meditations online are high quality but be sure to check them out before using them. I would offer link to the visualization for healing as a special gift from me free of charge. You can also check out MBSR, or Mindfully Based Stress Reduction
14 Hook-ups takes just a few minutes and will revitalize you, relax your whole nervous system, and clear your mental slate. Here is a guide to Hook-ups and a few basic Brain Gym exercises.
15 Clean. The most popular recent book on the topic that is sweeping the world is by Marie Kondo. She offers the Japanese Art of Tidying Up in book or audio form. You can check it out on Amazon here.
16 Eat Well. One of the best resources for general overall eating well that is not dedicated to just one type of eating is the magazine Eating Well. They offer researched based articles and recipes that are high quality and support a healthy diet. Go here to subscribe or give as a gift at here.
17 Go Outside. Sunshine stabilizes blood sugar and blood pressure, enhances liver and kidney function, increases red blood cell production and breaks down toxins and waste that can lead to disease. Go here.
18 Journal. It’s generally a good idea but especially now if you are going through the stress of change. Sarah Ban Breathnach shares ways to make an abundance and gratitude journal, so important while we are counting our blessings. www.Sarahbanbreathbach.com
19 Create a Beautiful Work and Home Environment. As you work more from home or just spend time there, you need appealing surroundings. The art of Feng Shui will help you to arrange, rearrange, and generally make your environment as energetically happy, prosperous and productive as possible. Check out this basic tutorial on Feng Shui.
BONUS A good article for navigating the whole experience is available at Psych Central
None of these recommendations are to be considered medical advice. For up to date medical advice go to the Center for Disease Control.
Until next time,
Dr. Nancy