Recently, I was noticing that a Women’s March, that had been so united, was now showing signs of fracture, due to some personal agendas, creating racial divides, and the loss of some important sponsorship. I began to wonder about the reasons why even when we have a mutual cause, personal agendas get in the way.
I began to think of the issues with the NFL. I am an independent person, and had not taken a side, seeing the philosophies of both sides and the merit of both. Was it right to use the venue of the NFL to make a statement about race? I knew that the NFL would go on, but what would happen to the Women’s March? Without the sponsorship, they would surely experience growing pains. I wondered if they would recover.
I was considering lately that perhaps the only thing that can potentially unite the world, beyond personal interest, money, or pride is the issue of our natural resources. Are the air, the earth and the water the only things we all have in common, without argument? Do they provide the things that every individual needs, regardless of race, interest in professional sports or financial gain and do they override all other special interests? If they do, we haven’t found this universal truth to be self evident.
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