Rachel Wants to Know: “Is God Santa Claus?”

Recently, a six year old with sandy blond hair tied up in pigtails, asked me, with a look of hope in her large brown eyes, “Is God Santa Claus?” She had struggled for the last week with the idea of entities with two different names who could give her what she asked for every night before falling into a deep, safe sleep. It was apparent that if God and Santa were the same, then it all made sense and she really, really needed it to make sense. Without the heart to tell her that they weren’t, the truth of the matter seemed to put her to rest.

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Dreams: Windows to Understanding Yourself

 Originated from an interview in the Huffington Post, with Stephanie Hallett, September 2017


Dreams are mysterious, curious, sometimes promising and other times troubling. Most people love to solve mysteries and know themselves better, and so dreams are a window to yourself and your intuitive wisdom. There is a wonderful example in the 2016 movie A Monster Calls. When the lead actor has a recurring scary dream, the entire movie is built around how he learns the lesson of the dream.

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Hypnosis for Health: Why Doctor’s Health Orders Aren’t Always Followed and How They Can Be

Originally appeared in Self Magazine 2017

Doctors know that if they tell patients that being overweight is dangerous for their health, it has little or no impact on habit change. But why? Because they are speaking directly to the conscious mind. The subconscious is where the decisions are made! And the reason hypnosis works to create change is that it talks directly to the subconscious.

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Watching TV and The Internet? 3 Ways to Make It an Exercise in Real Conscious Living!

New Age Journal

Written for New Age Journal
Nancy Mramor Kajuth, Ph.D.

Are you an avid TV, movie or Internet fan, who wants a more conscious life, but finds yourself surrounded in media and entertainment, text messages, and the Internet? Or are you a moderate user of media who just enjoys your screen time? Either way, you can use the time you spend with your devices and screens as time to practice conscious living, instead of seeing it as time away from your conscious life!
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Real Conscious Living: Let Your Best Self Filter Through

Whenever we speak of Real Conscious Living, we talk of the core self, the real you within your deepest self. Usually this is where your heart and soul’s desires live, waiting for you to realize and actualize them. When you are living from these desires you typically feel a sense of rightness and joy, with the realization that you are doing exactly what you are meant to do. These desires can manifest in your career, leisure time, creative expression, relationships, health or any part of your life. You may become aware of a desire in a dream state, during a meditation or prayer exercise, or just from living consciously.

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Lessons from Pema Chodron, Buddhist International Author and Teacher


Getting Unstuck and Changing Triggers:  Choosing a fresh alternative

I have often found that Pema Chodron is a wonderful teacher when your life seems to be changing, when you want things to stay the same and they won’t, or even when you need to release destructive habits. She asks “What is Happiness?” She suggests that it includes relief from anxiety, depression and stress with a positive expectation of good, positive groundlessness, a state free of bias and predjudice, no preferences and full openness to the moment without expectation. It implies openness and freshness.

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Originally from Best Ever You Network.

After publishing my first book, I won the same award for that book, Spiritual Fitness as the Dalai Lama won in a different category, I was so shocked that I could have dropped the award! I was so deeply touched and in disbelief.  Then I thought of the usual protocol that I see on so many social media posts: “humbled and honored.”  Was I humbled and honored?  I was certainly humbled, because of the notable connection. And what I really felt was surprised, deliriously happy and grateful.

There are a lot of awards and recognitions available to those who would seek them. And they do lend credibility to your work.  But there are important questions to ask yourself before you journey down the path of recognition. So, prior to putting yourself out there check out the possible outcomes so that you can make it a winning adventure no matter how the story ends.

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GET REEL®: Produce Your Own Life

Click here to listen to an interview on Hayhouse Radio

Get Reel and Produce Your Own Life with Deb Scott and Dr. Nancy
Produce Your Own Life! Gettin

Before you click the remote one more time, let me tell you that media is one of the top three things that shape your life. Let me also tell you that this news could be the best news you have ever heard, if you know what to do with it! Think of the power you have will have to make decisions! After your parents and teachers, the television, Internet and movies shape what you think, who you become and your level of happiness. Why does it matter? Because your goals, ideas, motivations, thoughts, and personal strengths and insecurities have been influenced by your media viewing choices.

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Why are Hallmark Christmas movies so popular?

Join Dr. Nancy with reporter Nikki Battiste on CBS This Morning

Hallmark must be doing something right; millions of people watch their Holiday movies and say that it is part of their holiday tradition.  But why? It’s partly because the brain likes things that are familiar! The plot of the hero/heroine, who meet, experience some tension before getting together, have helpful friends and finally have a happy ending after the final conflict is a story as old as time.  And it’s good storytelling!!  Remember the Wizard of Oz, the Star Wars movies, and many romantic comedies, like When Harry Met Sally, Moonstruck, and Sleepless in Seattle?  We love the story and we especially love the happy ending. And the brain feels safe and secure, and especially familiar when all ends well. It’s what is called in mythology, The Hero’s Journey.

If you are feeling well, it magnifies your feelings, but if you are feeling down, it uplifts you.  And as you see familiar actors in different movies, you feel that they are like family, since they are so often in your living room! Some of the actors are even actors you saw as a child or teen, so they are especially comfortable to see again. Even the props and settings feel familiar as all the films are taped in the same studio.

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How to Detox After The Election: 7 Ways to Recharge

Originally for THE WASHINGTON POST, November 2020

WHY DETOX AFTER THE ELECTION? It has been a long, close election, and for many a stressful one. And it takes a toll on your body and mind after a while. The longer the stress, the worse for the immune system and all of the body’s organs due to the fact that the nervous system has been fired-up and on high gear, keeping you in a hypervigilant stress response. But there are some steps you can take to move ahead in ways that are healthier for your mind, body and spirit.

1 CELEBRATE OR COMMISERATE – have your feelings, talk about your feelings or journal them to get them out. Talk with others about ways to move forward and express how you feel. DO SELF-CARE to release all the long standing tension.  Or depending upon your preference, CELEBRATE in a way that lends itself to SELF-CARE.

2 MEND RELATIONSHIPS – without gloating or carrying a negative intention, be sure that you mend any relationships that may have been stressed or damaged by political arguments and differences.  The relationship is more important than politics. Focus on what brings you together and put any disagreements behind you. 

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