Dr. Nancy Mramor is an Award-Winning Author, Media Expert and Guest, International Speaker and Psychologist/Coach. She has appeared on hundreds of Radio, TV and print media placements, as a host, guest, producer, script consultant and expert. Television networks that have called upon Dr. Nancy for her expertise include Fox, PBS, NBC, ABC, CBS, and MSN. Her research on how television consciously and unconsciously educates viewers proved to be significant beyond a doubt, clearly revealing how and why the programs we view shape our lives.
Nancy Mramor Kajuth Ph.D.
3 Ways to Create Endings and Beginnings
Have you ever had trouble letting go of a relationship, a car, a habit, clutter, “stuff” in your house, or that book you have been planning to read for the past few years? Release is an issue that almost everyone has to deal with at some time in life, whether you are releasing old belongings, a dysfunctional relationship, a career or even a loved one. Release can be challenging whether you choose to let go of something or it is imposed upon you, but there are skills and attitudes you can adapt that will make it much easier.
What Is the Inner Committee and Why Is It Important For Self-Love?
Do you often feel as though you are arguing with yourself? That part of you wants to start a project, write a book or change your health habits and the other would rather watch Seinfeld reruns and eat Twinkies? That is because you are comprised of not just one personality aspect or type, but really of an Inner Committee of different aspects. You can’t fire parts you don’t like, and they all go out with you each day into the world as you live your life. It is as if they all get on a bus, with you as the driver, but your happiness that day depends on which part of the committee is driving. You can let stronger or more balanced parts of you drive when you need motivation, gentler parts when you need to be kind to yourself and others. Parts that don’t function well can heal and pitch in to make the committee stronger. But knowing more about the Inner Committee will expand your personal growth in a big way, putting you in a position to achieve any goal you set for yourself.
Who Is On Your Inner Committee?
Stuck Parts of the Inner Committee
Have you ever felt that you can’t move forward in your life even though you want to? Have you ever felt that you can’t impose your will in your own life? There are many different parts of the self that are not subconscious, but are simply stuck. You may be aware of feelings of shame, fear, or ineffectiveness, that keep you from moving forward, and yet are not exactly sure why. Let’s look at some of the messages that these parts of the self may be sending to you.
Relationships: How Does Your Committee Relate to Other Committee Members?
We have discussed each of the different committee meetings and how they may show up. We have looked at the fact that there are far more parts of the self and individual kinds of selves than we could ever imaging, but we have gotten a good handle on why they work and how they work in our lives. Now it is time to look at how they work together. If you have ever been on a committee, you know what they’re like! The expression that a camel is a horse made by a committee often sums up the way in which they work. Some committees flow and others don’t. Let’s look at some of the reasons and ways in which committees can function together in relationships.
The power of EMDR to heal pain and past trauma

Originally from at Dr. Nancy’s Podcast at LESS STRESSED LIFE with Christa Biegler

The Power of EMDR to Heal Past Pains and Trauma
with Dr. Nancy Mramor
Less Stressed Life : Upleveling Life, Health & Happiness
What if the pain of past traumas could be reprocessed so that they no longer have a traumatic effect on you every time you recall them? Sound like magic? Actually, it’s based in brain research on how we store our memories, both the painful traumatizing ones and the happy unforgettable ones! When you think of an old unhappy memory, it’s like taking a file out of a file drawer in the brain, then reading it and getting upset again before putting it right back where it was. But if you choose to think about it using the techniques of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, it can be but a minor memory that may not make you happy to reconsider, but certainly won’t retraumatize you. It may even change your thoughts about the memory to much healthier ones!
Forgiveness: The Key to Unlock Your Future
Inspired by Associated Press interview
Would you like to soar ahead in life unencumbered by emotional baggage? Then ask yourself: Is there anyone that you need to forgive or who needs to forgive you? Holding onto hurts, resentments of grudges takes up a lot of energy, even when you aren’t thinking about it. It’s like carrying a backpack that you have forgotten is there and yet it weighs you down. This is true for any emotional baggage, but especially for people that you carry in the pack that you have not forgiven.
And why is it so hard to forgive or even forget? Because there is an erroneous belief that forgiving someone makes what they did alright. There could not be anything further from the truth. When you forgive, you are not saying that what happened was acceptable, or that it wasn’t hurtful, or even that you think the person who did should be let off the hook. It merely says that you are done carrying the emotional hurt that gives away your personal power and holds you both in a knot of distress.
What would it mean to you to be happier in just one to three minutes a day at no charge to you or anyone else that could not only make you but someone else happier? If you could, would you want to start the day off in a way that creates a state of gratitude, a high level state of energy that brings you more of what makes you grateful? And would you be willing to send One Email of appreciation to someone today to kick-off their happiness?
Rachel Wants to Know: “Is God Santa Claus?”
Recently, a six year old with sandy blond hair tied up in pigtails, asked me, with a look of hope in her large brown eyes, “Is God Santa Claus?” She had struggled for the last week with the idea of entities with two different names who could give her what she asked for every night before falling into a deep, safe sleep. It was apparent that if God and Santa were the same, then it all made sense and she really, really needed it to make sense. Without the heart to tell her that they weren’t, the truth of the matter seemed to put her to rest.
Dreams: Windows to Understanding Yourself
Originated from an interview in the Huffington Post, with Stephanie Hallett, September 2017
Dreams are mysterious, curious, sometimes promising and other times troubling. Most people love to solve mysteries and know themselves better, and so dreams are a window to yourself and your intuitive wisdom. There is a wonderful example in the 2016 movie A Monster Calls. When the lead actor has a recurring scary dream, the entire movie is built around how he learns the lesson of the dream.