What would it mean to you to be happier in just one to three minutes a day at no charge to you or anyone else that could not only make you but someone else happier?  If you could, would you want to start the day off in a way that creates a state of gratitude, a high level state of energy that brings you more of what makes you grateful? And would you be willing to send One Email of appreciation to someone today to kick-off their happiness?

Research shows that giving gratitude makes you happier, healthier, psychologically stronger, increases self-esteem, empathy and abundance, reduces aggression and opens the door wider in your relationships. When you start the day with One Email of gratitude and appreciation, you change the way you look at the world, reframing it more positively and letting yourself see opportunities for gratitude in your every moment, your health, abundance, happiness and your future. Before long, it will become a positive habit so that you wake up every day ready to be in a state of happiness and appreciation, ready to find someone or something to appreciate, that uplifts your whole life.

And all you have to do is send One Email, text message, phone call, greeting card or photo of appreciation to someone who makes a difference in your life. Include some words of appreciation and watch what happens! You will start noticing people and things to appreciate, creating a shift in your awareness from mental chatter toward conscious awareness of all of the good things in your life. And you can invite more people to your circle who will commit to One Email a day, expanding everyone’s happiness exponentially.


  1. Begin today and every day with One Email, text, call, photo, card, gift or form of appreciation
  2. Follow Real Conscious Living on Facebook so that we can continue to send you tips on the One Email gratitude initiative. You can also post the content of your email in the comments section of this Facebook post so that your gratitude for one person is appreciated by many more people.
  3. Tell us at Real Conscious Living how sending one-email has made a difference at https://drnancyonline.com/wpbhdcontact/ All you need to do is to post a comment after the One Email post at the top of the page.
  4. When you post about someone, use the hashtag #OneEmail so that the generosity and gratitude spreads to as many people as possible.

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