Does Watching TV Make You Lose Weight? A Guide For TV Watchers


RxTV Prescriptions for Healthy Eating and TV Viewing

TV viewing is a source of great enjoyment, education and social activity. But it may influence your health habits in ways that you need to know.

TV Sports What do we know about watching TV and weight?  We know that when you socialize while eating, either at a sports bar or restaurant or at home with a group of sports lovers, you will eat more.  And you will eat things you see advertised during the show as well as other foods because your appetite has been aroused! There seems to be a natural association between watching TV with a group, and drinking more, according to a study reported by American Psychological Association. Drinking makes your resolve even weaker. To assure that you won’t add a food hangover or extra pounds to your day, take a look at this tip on building willpower.

After Work When you get home from work and are tired and hungry what do you do first? If you turn on the television you may be more tempted to eat than to exercise. Food ads are very powerful when you are hungry. But if you have a bit to eat and then get on the treadmill before watching TV, you are more likely to have the will power to finish your workout!  Why? Because eating, even just a small snack can increase your stores of willpower that have become depleted during the day.

This will power tip can help during sporting events too. Before the football game or sporting event, have a snack and avoid drinking too much, as it will lower your inhibitions and increase snacking.

Kids, TV and Obesity Screen the ads your kids watch during children’s TV programs. Statistics show that kids view 15 food ads daily during the average viewing period, mostly for foods high in fat, salt and sugar. Talking to your kids about their health is important. When they see you eat healthy foods and understand why, you can model positive eating behaviors for them and encourage them to follow your lead.

Nancy Mramor is a Health and Media Psychologist and motivational speaker who breaks down how media effects your mental emotional and spiritual health.

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